pulsFOG K-10-SPe
- Thermal Fogger
- Portable

For years, those working in the poultry industry have been conscious of the disease hazards which
livestock are exposed to when housed. They are aware that there are numerous ways in which
dangerous microorganisms can multiply. Dangerous situations very often go unnoticed, only to
be discovered too late to avert losses.
Removing deposits of excrement, stale food, mucus, blood and other debris from soiled surfaces by manual or mechanical means decreases the multiplication of micro-organisms. However, these shoveling, sweeping and washing operations are normally confined to floor and low wall level. This is not enough to completely disinfect buildings. Due to the physical difficulties involved, the tops of walls, trusses and other overhead sections of buildings are often not effectively cleaned. Rodents, bats, birds, insects and other vermin frequently use the overhead sections of buildings.
This causes this area to become contaminated, yet it goes untreated during routine cleaning. Stockmen often worry about this untreated area but are of the opinion that they are unable to do much about it. They know that contaminated air is a serious threat, and problems associated with temperature control and ventilation often create further difficulties. The pulsFOG® generators are designed to convert solutions into ultra-fine droplets, which the machines then disperse evenly throughout the building being treated. The droplets remain suspended in the air before they impinge on surfaces to form a deposit.
This aerosol method of applying disinfectants not only deposits active product on surfaces, including those which are inaccessible, but it does so very quickly. This means that it has the advantage of saving labour as well as being efficient.The pulsFOG® thermal foggers have great discharge rates, delivering fog at a range of 20 to 70 m. Fogging of a building is often done through an open door or outside hatch. The operator works the machine from the outside. Choosing the size and performance of equipment has to be based on requirements.
Ultra low volume techniques used for applying agricultural chemicals have been in use for a number of years and the fate of discharged droplets formed from different liquids and active ingredients have been studied. Pure water as fogging carrier has been found to evaporate too quickly, particularly in the case of very small droplets. For this reason, formulators developed special ultra low volume formulations that eliminate or reduce the use of water as a fogging carrier for the disinfectant or insecticide.
For many years, highly concentrated biocides have been effectively dispensed as Ultra Low Volumes in the field of Plant Protection using special machine techniques and discharge nozzles. The same principle is now being applied to disinfectants.
This makes it necessary for the dilution rates recommen-ded by disinfectant suppliers to be adjusted. In most cases the re-adjustment may only necessitate reducing the water being added because the ingredient in use already has a very low volatility (e.g. glutharaldehyde); in others, incorporating an additive with the water solution will be advisable to prolong the lifespan of the discharged droplet by delaying its evaporation. An additive approved for use with disinfectants is available under the trade name pulsFOG® VK-2 Spezial.
Mixing disinfectants with the water used to clean buildings inevitably leads to a loss of disinfectant because not only is the solution soiled when used for cleaning, but a vast quantity of it is lost in the drains. Disinfectants that flow into the sewage systems together with the water used for cleaning destroy the putrefactive bacteria and obstruct the biological cleaning effect in purification plants.
Saves time and labour. A stable of 1000 m³ can be treated within 15 min when using a middle-sized pulsFOG® machine (e.g. a type K-22) and a disinfectant usually applied 1 % in water (High volume).
Applying disinfectants in aerosol form, however, is not intended as an alternative to other cleaning methods. It is intended to improve upon the normal treatment and compliment the stockman's fight against transmittable diseases.