Life-endangering microbes have been roaming the Earth for thousands of years. Transmitted by insects to animals, humans and plants they often have disastrous consequences.
Together with the chemical industry, which is increasingly manufacturing substances with a more selective effect, we have the common goal of controlling those pests capable of causing economic damage and diseases - without disturbing the biological and ecological balance - to protect our living environment from its biological enemies. From the very beginning, pulsFOG has been manufacturing machines and equipment capable of atomising biological and chemical products to create and distribute fine aerosols over large areas.
Pulsfogging is used for any pest control task where reduced quantities of active substances should be uniformly distributed even in inaccessible places, without leaving undesirable residues and without ground penetration. It is the task of pest control management to adapt the target-oriented application method (selection of most efficient droplet size) to the various biospheres indoors and outdoors considering climatic conditions and the optimum timing including the selection of suitable active ingredients and formulations. In the hands of the pest control manager and user who is aware of his responsibility, our equipment is a most effective tool and ultimate weapon.
The company has maintained its independence since it was founded in 1968 and is now going to be handed over to the third family generation.
The products are tailored to the requirements prevailing in the market. Any gaps opening up in the market are bridged by developing new products.
A long service life and the safety of our products are important design criteria in the development phase and implemented in production. The quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 is monitored by members of the owner family and subject to annual auditing by the certification organisation.
The products are predominantly geared to applications in tropical countries. Export Know How is collected since 70 years. Foreign language skills of the executive staff are therefore essential for the success of the business.
Important decisions are prepared jointly at the management level and discussed in employee meetings.
Decisions affecting the social environment of the employees are taken jointly. The company is committed to supporting advanced training activities and protecting the health of its employees.
pulsFOG is certified accordingly to DIN EN ISO 9001. The reliability, safety and effectiveness of our equipment are type-tested at regular intervals by the German Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry (BBA), the German technical inspection board (TÜV) and the World Health Organization (WHO). We are constantly ensuring that quality standards are met.